I am like a dog at a bone with this, right???


THIS will make a big big difference to your practice.

I am posting a picture of me in Eka Pada Sirsasana (One Leg Behind Head pose)
The point of this post is for you to see my pelvic tilt.
The 2 poses are 2 months apart.
I didn’t

I honestly could NOT make that leg move closer to my leg in January. I was 100% stuck as far as I could go.

…..until I started thinking that the solution lay elsewhere… and not in the legs.
The solution lay in the pelvic tilt.❤
In order for me to get my leg closer to my face… I needed to rotate my pelvis upwards and inwards.
Like a cheese curl? 😌
And it is utilising my Uddiyana Bandha BIG TIME (lower abdominal firing) 🔥
❤Being able to rotate your pelvis upwards and inwards is going to help you to release your lower spine in Savasana.
❤Its going to help you to correctly practice Warrior II without straining your lower back and forcing you to “hang” in your joints.
❤Its going to help you to forward bend over your straddle spits into Upavistha Konasana A.
I know it might be a weird action and something you are unfamiliar with. But trust me on this one, you need to find the action and the rotation.🙇